image source These days, some people intentional create malicious programs with the aim of creating havoc online or stealing something. That is why virtually every internet user goes for antivirus software for protection. There are tons of

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These days, some people intentional create malicious programs with the aim of creating havoc online or stealing something. That is why virtually every internet user goes for antivirus software for protection. There are tons of antivirus software available in the market as we write now. The need to stay protected while surfing the internet can never be overemphasized. The route you take and the software you use determine a whole lot for your device. Scanguard may not be an antivirus software everybody knows, but it has been around for some time and has earned itself mixture opinions as a result of controversies hovering around it.

What Is ScanGuard?

It is a PC clean-up and system optimization tool that is rolled up with other free software that you download from the Internet. Most users install ScanGuard without their knowledge because some free downloads do not adequately indicate that the software will be installed along with other tools. ScanGuard basically does a whole of things but if you need more results, then you will have to pay for the intended service. For instance, the software removes threats to your computer for free, it also scans and downloads items for free but if you want it to move to the next level, you will pay for it. From Chromebook to Windows, IPAD, Android, Android Tablet, Mac OS, and iPhone, ScanGuard has apps for all these devices.

Being relatively new in the market, there is not much information available about ScanGuard. However, most sites reported that the software was launched in September 2016.

Is It Scam Or Legit And Safe To Use?

The fact that ScanGuard developers are yet to offer more details about the product is indeed, worrisome. While most Windows users believe ScanGurad is actually a malicious software, others aren’t sure whether it is an antivirus or not. Some are still gathering information about the software while others have bluntly reported that it is just a useless piece of crapware. With that said, it is difficult to rate ScanGuard but if you are wondering if it a scam or legit and safe to use, we have some answers.

Despite a long list of shortcomings, ScanGuard appears to be genuine. Though its adware behavior apparently ruins its reliability, so many tech gurus and websites still promote the product. Moreover, the tool also has a wonderful affiliate program and its partners receive up to $70 for every user that creates a paid account. While it is true that ScanGuard is no match for some of the A-list antivirus programs in the antivirus market, its developers are more than confident about the product and this makes it appear genuine.

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Talking about if the software is safe to use, in a nutshell,

  • ScanGuard may not the right software for your PC because there are many user testimonials that indicates it behaves like malware.
  • Secondly, if you visit their review page, you’ll find out that it features several negative comments about the software yet the company has not issued any comment on the challenges.
  • Lastly, ScanGuard may be a malware due to its unstable behavior although no cybersecurity has reported such. The choice is yours to make.

Read Review

The search for whether ScanGuard is a worthy antivirus program has been on the increase in recent time. Thousands of people daily search Google to find out if they should give the software a try or not and since we’ve seen a lot of inquiries about the product, we’ve decided to review the software in our antivirus product reviews to find out if it is really good.

Free Trial

There is nothing bad in looking at a product you want to buy before paying for it. Hence, the reason most products have free trial versions. However, ScanGuard doesn’t really come with a trial version that solves the problems on your computer PC rather it only finds the problems. Many users consider this as one of the company’s biggest weaknesses.


As you already know, you don’t have to pay a dime to install ScanGuard on your Windows computer PC. However, the product comes with an annual subscription of $49.00. This payment is made after clicking the signup button, which takes you to a different page where you will be requested to enter your credit card details. However, critics are of the opinion that users shouldn’t easily give out their credit card details to a company they have little or no information about.

VPN Service

ScanGuard provides a good VPN service, which comes as a sub-feature of its Web Security feature. Their VPN service offers users around 50 to 60 VPN server locations across the globe, with three in the U.S. In addition, their service covers major regions of the world, thus, in terms of variety of servers, we can say that the company has a good VPN service.

ScanGuard Customer Service

As it is common with most companies that deal on antivirus products, ScanGuard has a customer service department that helps users to ratify their problems. The company also has an official blog where they share currents activities, including cybersecurity industry trends with users.

You can hook up with their representatives through live chat, telephone, and email. If you want to contact them via telephone, you will get their number on the top right corner of their official website or you can go their support section to know more about Knowledge Base information. There, you’ll get to see a wealth of related questions on how to keep your device safe from modern threats.

See Also: NordVPN: Free Trial, Download, How To Use It Or Cancel, Coupon, Is It Safe?


If you decide to give ScanGuard a try, free feel to install it on your device but it won’t be a bad idea if you do that on an old PC, where you don’t have important folders and files. Another thing, ensure to create a “Restore Point” before you install the software so that you’ll be able to restore your computer’s settings if anything goes wrong. When dealing with antivirus software with no concise history whatsoever, it is always safe to not input your primary/main email address and name because you could end up losing access to your files and believe me, that’s never a good thing.

If you don’t like having issues with antivirus products and wish not to fall prey to unreliable software in the market, you can go for the ones that suit your computer.

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