Planning a successful tech workshop is no small task as it can be quite a hectic programs to execute. It most definitely involves a lot of research, consulting, ideas pooling, investment or funding. Also, one cannot rule out the importance of adequate information when it comes to tech matters thus the need for valuable human resources with whom different ideas will be collated on how to make the workshop a success.
More so, in putting a tech workshop together, the main goal or objective should be centered around impacting the attendees with adequate tech knowledge and practical skills before leaving such a workshop; therefore, time needs to be of the essence. There shouldn’t be any unnecessary delays whatsoever as this is more like a crash course considering the limited time which is usually between half a day, two or three days.
Furthermore, the tech workshop works well with smaller groups of participant because of the discussion and interactive nature of the workshop as well as the need for instructor(s) to give adept attention to each student.
However, if you find yourself in a fix on how to go about the planning of a successful tech workshop we are here to help; the following a 6 major tips to consider incorporating when organising a tech workshop and they include; defining the main goal, having experienced tutors, adequate facilities , get started, intermittent breaks, creating an avenue for feedback or more inquiries even after the event.
How To Plan And Organise A Successful Tech Workshop
1. Define The Main Goal
Goals are made to set the course of action when the time is right. You need to ask yourself intricate questions such as; what do I/we want to achieve with this work shop and to what extent. Having clear answers to these question would enable you plan better in terms of apportioning of time to different segments of the workshop. Basically, from the topic to be thought, you will need to estimate the amount of time you think would be needed to fully handle it. More so, you need to make extra time planned in-case the allocated time for a particular segment is exceeded. In the same vein, also make plans for more topics just in case the students or participant are fast learners. In the end proper defining of goals or priorities will go a long way to make things smoother, calculated while making the organiser(s) look professional.
2. Having Experienced And Adequate Tutors
Experienced tutors actually form part of the human resources you need to execute the task. They are part of those who should be very knowledgeable in such a field as well as have the capacity to impart the knowledge they have into the attendees they handle. This very aspect is crucial to the success or failure of the tech workshop because after the whole process of setting up the technicalities such as sound, projectors( if there is the need), power etc., and the teaching is not spot on, the aim would have been defeated. Also, in addition to the main tutors, you should consider hiring teaching assistants for each participant and their job will be to guide participants where they have hitches in order to keep learning fluid. Therefore, you will need to pay keen attention too the tutors you hire or partner with.
3. Adequate Facilities
Now the issue of facilities can be a defining factor to the degree to which a tech workshop is successful. However the workshop is going to run, be it through ticketing or registration( which is much easier to plan for) or an open invitation, there is the need to properly estimate the turn out and thus make adequate provision for needed equipment or facilities in order to get the best results. Also you may need to have just a tad more facilities to serve in case there are faults with the already stationed facilities. Furthermore, a negative reaction or attitude may become visible if certain participant do not have their own personal equipment to practice their sills. So be mindful of this.
4. Get Started
Having put all essential tools in place, it then becomes time to get right into the activity. Because you’re dealing with limited time,, you need to get started as soon as possible in order to increase the chances of completing the intended topics thoroughly and efficiently even with extra time to throw in some trivial but mood lightening conversations. More so, because workshops are different from lectures, participant need to get practical and follow the instructors as they go, this will enhance the enthusiasm whilst increasing the level of assimilation of the skills intended.
5. Intermittent Breaks
The breaks which could be scheduled for after 2-3 hours are important as it help attendees relieve themselves in any way they would like, either using the bathroom, having something to eat or just interacting among themselves, this will go along along way to keep attendees refreshed for even more active sessions which can also retain the capability to keep assimilating and also contributing where they can.
6. Creating An Avenue For Feedback Or More Enquiries
To solidify the impact of the experience of the workshop, the organisers might want to put in place a platform be it virtual or physical, where those who were part of the workshop can give feedbacks or ask more questions even after the workshop is over . This is sure to afford the workshop a well rounded success giving that all other aspects leading to the completion of the workshop went as planned.
In conclusion, putting together any program or workshop at all can be quite demanding including a tech workshop, nevertheless, it can be done if only the goals and priorities are properly defined. In the end the main objective should be to transfer adequate tech knowledge which participant can always build upon even after leaving the workshop. To make this possible, steps which include: defining the main goal, having valuable or competent hands or teachers, ensuring you have enough facilities , creating time for breaks, creating an avenue for feedback and more will enable you have a highly successful tech workshop.
Photo credit: Ibm.com